Honorsquad.org   Honorsquad.net   Honorsquad.com

R*}{*Rabbit’s Message for New York’s Fire & Police after 9/11.  This was also incorporated into a TFD map.

About Us The *}{* Honorsquad

The *}{* is a Honorable Delta Force squad run by Civilians, War Veterans and Active Duty Military personnel from all over the world. This squad is always ready to enlist new members. It is a great group of players that take this game seriously but not too seriously that they forget this is just a game and have elevated it to a higher level. We help each other with problems, assist with techniques learned, and share tips on strategy. Map makers are also a growing part of our group. Members are from both East and West Hemispheres making us a truly global community. You will become acquainted with people from all over the world through sharing all sorts of communication programs and methods. We also share other types of software and PC knowledge that will help your computer game experience become much more enjoyable and productive.

 *}{* Honorsquad Sigs